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Volume 7 (3); 25 September, 2017

Asian_J._Med._Pharm._Res._73_30-34_2017Research Paper

Association of Carcinoid Tumor with Bronchiectasis. 

HHejazi M-E, Seifar F, Noorabadi P, Salmannezhad Khorami F, Sadeghi A, Hejazi Y.

Asian J. Med. Pharm. Res., 7(3): 30-34, 2017; pii: S2252043017000007-7


Bronchiectasis refers to a permanent airway enlargement that involves the lungs in either a focal or a diffused manner and it has been classified as cylindrical or tubular varicose, or cystic. Bronchial carcinoid tumors are neuroendocrine neoplasms that can occur in the lungs. In this case presentation, we reported a 35-year-old man admitted to pulmonary ward with massive hemoptysis. In bronchoscopy, right middle and lower lobes contained bright red blood. Bleeding was seen in the left upper lobe after washing. One week later, left upper lobectomy was done. In pathology of biopsy, bronchiectasis and small focus of neuroendocrine tumor was reported. In the second look bronchoscopy, left main bronchus contained purulent discharge.
Keywords: Bronchiectasis, Bronchoscopy, Carcinoid tumor, Neoplasm, Neuroendocrine 

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